The Best TV Shows Of The Past 20 Years

Over 130.8K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Greatest TV Series of the Past 20 Years
Voting Rules

Vote up the best series that have aired new episodes since 2003.

Latest additions: Wallander, Man v. Food, CSI: Vegas
Most divisive: How I Met Your Mother

This list of the best TV shows of the past 20 years represents the combined opinions of thousands of TV fans on what series have been the standouts of the past two decades. Anyone can vote on this list of the best TV shows of recent memory, making this list a truly trustworthy way to find the best recent(ish) TV show.

Including recent big-name shows like Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad, the best TV shows ever in the past 20 years feature the latest and greatest television series. Even older shows like Friends and That '70s Show have episodes that aired in the past two decades so there really is a wonderfully wide selection of great shows in recent memory. From sitcoms to dramas and animations to miniseries, this list has got them all.

What are the best TV shows of recent memory? Whether you're looking for the best TV shows to add to your Netflix queue or you just want to share your picks for the best TV series of the last two decades, this is the place to tune in to the tastes of TV fans around the world. Figure out what must-see TV you have to catch up on, find where your favorites rank, and cast your votes for the best television in recent history. 

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