Alyssa Milano TV Show/Series Credits

TV Shows featuring Alyssa Milano, listed alphabetically with photos when available. All of the TV programs that had Alyssa Milano in the cast are featured here. Alyssa Milano may have had a prominent role in these shows, but this list also includes shows where Alyssa Milano had a guest starring role or cameo appearance. You can find additional information about these Alyssa Milano shows as well, such as who else starred on the show and who created it.

The list you're viewing is made up of many different shows, including Melrose Place and Charmed.

This list answers the questions, "What shows has Alyssa Milano been on?" and "What are the best Alyssa Milano TV shows?"

If you're a TV junkie, this list is the perfect resource for finding some new Alyssa Milano shows that you haven't already seen. If you're going to waste time watching television you might as well do it while watching shows starring Alyssa Milano. {#nodes}

Who says famous actors don't work in TV? Alyssa Milano has acted alongside talent like Kaley Cuoco and Eric Christian Olsen.