The Creepiest Shows In TV History
Photo: FX Network / CBS

The Creepiest Shows In TV History

Over 6.4K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Creepiest Shows In TV History
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Vote up the TV series almost too creepy for you to watch alone.
Latest additions: The Changeling, Shock Docs, Delete
Most divisive: Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction

Just how creepy can TV shows get? Television loves to push the boundaries of what can be shown to a general audience. The medium has evolved from being a place filled with only family-friendly programming to a platform to showcase anything the mind can imagine, no matter how scary and creepy it may be. The creepy TV shows on this list are bursting with disturbing images, frightening plot lines, and horrors that haunt the viewer long after the screen has been shut off.

Shows like Twin Peaks, Fringe, and The Walking Dead have tested the limits of what can be shown to audiences, with creepy moments that haunt viewers for years. Older, classic anthologies like The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, and Masters of Horror feature mind-bending horror classics written by the genre's best auteurs.

What is your favorite creepy TV show in history? Do you prefer creepy monster-of-the-week shows like Hannibal and The X-Files? Or do you like shorter stories and narrative arcs with more bite, such as American Horror Story and Alfred Hitchcock Presents?

 Vote up the shows on this list that you think are the creepiest shows to ever hit the television airwaves.


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