The Best After School Shows from the '90s

Over 5.4K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best After School Shows from the '90s
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Vote up the most memorable classic '90s series targeted to kids who didn't even care about doing homework after school.
Latest additions: Saved by the Bell, Dragon Ball Z, Blossom
Most divisive: The Secret World of Alex Mack

Everyone knows the 1990s were hands-down the best time to be a kid, because it had some of the most creative cartoons and kids shows around, especially when it came to '90s after-school shows. From Rugrats to Boy Meets World, many of the TV series listed here have transcended the nostalgia of the '90s era and remain timeless television classics even as adults. Which is the best '90s kids show of all time, you ask? Oh, dear reader, the answer is up to you and your inner child.

These are the shows you rushed to turn on the second you got home from school, before Mom and Dad started bugging you about homework and chores. Ugh, parents, right?! These '90s kids TV shows helped you unwind after a hard day at school, and you'll still enjoy them if you come across a rerun, hungover on your parent's couch after a raucous night back in town with your high school pals.

Rank the kid's shows from the 1990s that you loved then and love now. If you're not a child of the '90s, never fear: this list is a great resource for educating yourself on some quality TV.

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