The Greatest TV Title Sequences Ever

Over 3.9K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Greatest TV Title Sequences Ever
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Vote up the best full title sequences that offer the complete package of both audio and visuals.
Latest additions: Dark, Northern Exposure, Monty Python's Flying Circus
Most divisive: The Odd Couple

The greatest TV title sequences of all time are those memorable opening credits scenes from many of the best TV shows of all time that stick out in our minds long after the shows cease to air. Be it the inclusion of a catchy song or a constantly evolving opening title sequence that changes from episode to episode, these are the best opening seconds in the history of television shows, offering a perfect balance of video and sound to stick in our heads and get us excited to watch.

Uncoincidentally, many of the television shows with the best TV theme songs of all time are also among those with the best title sequences. Unless you've been living under a rock, there is a good chance you can sing many great theme songs from these opening sequences on cue, such as those from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Cheers, and The Brady Bunch.

While classic opening title sequences for classic television shows, like for The Twilight Zone, Star Trek, Lost in Space, and The Odd Couple will always have a place among the best TV show openings, sometimes it's the quirky openings of today that stick out too. The opening sequence from Desperate Housewives sticks out in that category as does that from The Simpsons with creators of the long-running animated show giving viewers a reason to watch the credits with the details of the opening changing with each episode.

What's your favorite TV show title sequence? Vote for the ones you hold close to your heart, add others not listed or put these choices in your own order by re-ranking this list of the greatest TV titles sequences of all time below!

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