The Most Exciting Sci-Fi Series Ever Made

Over 600 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Most Exciting Sci-Fi Shows of All Time
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Only science fiction (not fantasy) television series that historically offer galactic levels of excitement.
Latest additions: Scavengers Reign, Gen V, Ahsoka
Most divisive: Something Is Out There

The top sci-fi TV shows ever aired are some of the most exciting and thought-provoking to watch on television, but which is the best of them all? Determining which science fiction TV series is the best isn't an easy task given the plethora of options available, but this list might make it just a bit easier. These days, with the use of digital streaming, more and more shows people have forgotten are being rewatched, checked out for the first time, or even remade into new classics for new generations to enjoy, but which of these sci-fi shows is the best of them all in terms of excitement?

Would something newer like Star Trek: Discovery beat out a classic on this list like Star Trek: The Original Series, the very show that inspired it? For a science fiction series to be truly exciting, it has to be the kind that depicts more than just cool new tech or rapid-fire sci-fi action scenes - it needs to show a conflict between one or more groups of people, aliens, robots, or whatever in which survival is key. An exciting sci-fi show gets the audience has to get invested in the story.

The only way to find out which are the best is to vote up your favorite sci-fi series below, but remember, this list is all about excitement! Which series is more exciting than the one below it? Don't forget to add your favorite sci-fi show to the list if it's missing and vote for your favorites below!

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