What Shows Do You Most Want on Netflix Streaming?

Over 14.6K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of What Shows Do You Most Want on Netflix Streaming?
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Popular shows that are not available for instant watching on Netflix streaming
Latest additions: Sanford, The Norm Show, The Yellow Rose
Most divisive: Sex and the City

What TV shows do you most want on Netflix streaming? While Netflix does offer some great streaming TV shows, and will likely add more in coming months, several fantastic TV shows are only available via DVDs at the moment. At one point or another, some of the shows listed here were available for Netflix streaming, but for whatever reason, they were pulled. If you have a favorite TV show that you'd love to watch on Netflix streaming, and it's not listed here, by all means, add it!

Let's face it: For all the best streaming Netflix TV shows that are currently available, there are scores of others that you've got to order as DVDs. That can be really frustrating. If you want to sit and watch every single episode of 'Veronica Mars' in two days, then by GOD you should be able to do it, without having to stalk the mailman! And seriously, Netflix, what gives with 'Gilmore Girls'? You can stream every single stinking episode of 'Law & Order: SVU' but you can't give us one of the greatest cop dramas ever on television, 'The Wire,' as a streaming show?

With cult favorite TV shows like 'Freaks and Geeks,' 'The X-Files' and 'Arrested Development' included as part of Netflix's streaming content library, why not try and add more? 'Party Down' comes to mind immediately, as does 'Pushing Daisies' and 'Northern Exposure.'

Be sure to vote for your favorite shows you'd most want on Netflix streaming, add any that might be missing, and hopefully we'll all get what we want. Eventually. Also check out our best TV shows on Netflix list for even more great Netflix viewing. 
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