The Dumbest Moves Made By Every Horror Movie Victim

Over 1.6K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Dumb Mistakes Victims Make
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Add horror movie cliches, and upvote the mistakes that many victims make

List of the stupid moves that every horror movie victim makes--the worst horror movie cliches. If you've ever found yourself yelling, "Don't run up the stairs!!" or "Get up!!" you know what we're talking about. These stereotypical moves made by victims in scary movies are usually so dumb that you start to think that they deserve their bloody ending. Stereotypical horror movie victims include the sexy girl and her lover, the helpful minority character, the overly curious guy, the macho man and the jokester. These people will all usually die in scary movies. Stupid mistakes made by horror movie victims range from underestimating how fast a killer can move to running into the woods rather than hopping in a nearby car.

Why do characters in horror movies split up? Why don't they get up when they fall? Why do women whimper softly when they are hiding by a nearby psycho murderer? If you get to the bottom of these mistakes, you just may be able to survive a horror movie. 

Ranked by
  • Split from the Group
    1,057 votes

    Split from the Group

    Not the best time to go it alone. 
  • Trip and Don't Get Up Immediately
    955 votes

    Trip and Don't Get Up Immediately

  • Shoot the Villain Once and Assume He Is Dead
    1,030 votes

    Shoot the Villain Once and Assume He Is Dead

    Welp, my work is done here. Oh no! He is still alive and is now coming after me!
  • Watch Someone Being Killed Instead of Using It As an Opportunity to Get Away
    611 votes

    Watch Someone Being Killed Instead of Using It As an Opportunity to Get Away

  • Don't Arm Yourself Even Though A Killer Is on The Loose
    613 votes

    Don't Arm Yourself Even Though A Killer Is on The Loose

  • Leave the Doors Unlocked
    844 votes

    Leave the Doors Unlocked