Movies With Great Anticlimactic Endings That Are Truly Surprising
Photo: No Country for Old Men / Paramount Vantage

Movies With Great Anticlimactic Endings That Are Truly Surprising

Voting Rules
Vote up the movies that end on a high note without an explosive climax.

The word "anticlimactic” usually has a negative connotation. When applied to movies, it means the story had a lot of build-up for minimal pay-off. Few things are as frustrating as devoting a couple hours to a film, then having it completely fizzle out when it should be pulling out all the stops. 

But every rule has its exceptions, and this one is no different. Certain films exist that are anticlimatic in an awesome way rather than a maddening one. Instead of giving us what we expect, they take a hard left turn, offering us a new perspective on the story or leaving us with some sort of bigger idea to ponder afterward. They surprise us in the best possible manner. The following movies all did that. Had they ended in predictable fashion, they would, ironically, be far less memorable than they actually are.