Facts About 14 Quintessential Macho Actors That Prove They're Tougher Than Leather



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Vote up the facts about the actors who proved they really are “macho, macho men.”

Actors can develop reputations for how they behave off-screen as well as based on the roles they take. Typecasting aside, some actors have definitely become synonymous with masculine energy. Or, simply put, they're macho.

These men may fight, talk sh*t, drive fast, and boast big muscles - but they're not always action stars, per se. They often protect and defend others, stand up to injustice, and present a bravado that's both impressive and intimidating. We know them when we see them, and we kind of count on them to bring manliness to any role - whether they want to or not. 

Actors like Burt Reynolds and Sean Connery have long been considered macho. Nostalgic favorites like Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis have, too. And performers with relatively short resumes continue to fall under that label all the time. When it comes to the most macho actors we could think of, the guys on this list definitely qualify. And, finding out more about them may have puffed up our chests a bit, too.