Coach Taylor’s Best Advice from Friday Night Lights

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Vote up the most inspiring and meaningful advice Coach Eric Taylor ever gave.

Critics were quick to note that Friday Night Lights was about a whole lot more than just high school football. The painfully realistic hit drama was also about small town politics, marriage, parenthood, race, friendship, and much more. But the thread that held the show together across five seasons was Coach Eric Taylor and his endless fount of genuinely inspiring wisdom. Taylor's advice to his players, wife, daughter, and friends was always the perfect blend of tough love and compassion. Here's a look at the best Eric Taylor quotes from all five seasons of FNL.

  • 1
    21 VOTES

    Marriage Is All About Compromise

    Marriage Is All About Compromise
    Photo: NBC Universal

    “Marriage requires maturity. Marriage requires two people that will listen, really listen to each other. Marriage most of all requires compromise.”

    Eric and Tami Taylor are one of the TV's all-time greatest couples, and the secret to their success is outlined in this awesome piece of wisdom from Coach T. Listening to these two listen to each other over five seasons is one of the great joys of FNL.
    21 votes
  • 2
    11 VOTES

    Always Be Honest with Your Spouse

    Always Be Honest with Your Spouse
    Photo: NBC Universal

    "Everything I know about women you can stick in this damn coffee cup here. But I do know you have to have trust and honesty. Without trust and honesty, it is not gonna work."

    Watching Eric and Tami navigate through the rockiest parts of their marriage is a master class in storytelling as well as in maintaining a healthy relationship. The trust they had in each other got them through trials such as Eric leaving town for a few months to coach college football.
    11 votes
  • 3
    23 VOTES

    Winning Isn't Everything

    Winning Isn't Everything
    Photo: NBC Universal

    “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.”

    Coach Taylor's famous mantra was more than just an empty pep talk catchphrase. He led his players onto the field with a battle cry that let them know that if they have a clear conscience and good intentions, they will always be winners in life, even if the scoreboard says otherwise.
    23 votes
  • 4
    18 VOTES

    Character = Not Giving Up

    Character = Not Giving Up
    Photo: NBC Universal

    "Listen to me, I said you need to strive to be better. I didn’t say you needed to be better than everyone else. But you gotta try. That’s what character is. It’s in the trying."

    East Dillon's QB Vince was going through a very tough time when Coach doled out this bit of much-needed wisdom. Vince's dad just got out of prison, and Vince's mom wanted Vince to forgive him and "be better." The trouble? Vince says: "He never taught me how to be better. He’s not around." Coach is simply asking Vince to try.
    18 votes
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    16 VOTES

    Seize the Day

    Seize the Day
    Photo: NBC Universal

    "You get one chance in life, fellas. You can either take advantage of it, or you can piss it away. You do the latter, and you're gonna regret it the rest of your lives."

    Coach Taylor's YOLO moment, this gem reminded his players to make the most of their time on the field, because for most of them, the glory days of football end after senior year.
    16 votes
  • 6
    19 VOTES

    Don't Play Dirty

    Don't Play Dirty
    Photo: NBC Universal
    "Listen to me. This is exactly what I meant about playing with revenge. That team out there is not a better team. They are not a better team. You take away the mental mistakes, and we are back in this thing. Otherwise, they’re gonna keep playing us for a bunch of fools. Stay away from dumb, gentlemen."

    The "dumb" here is a rival team with a nasty racist streak. They've been playing dirty and pushing Taylor's team to sink to their level. Coach advises his boys to get the "dumb" out of their minds and to simply focus on the game.
    19 votes