11 Sitcom Finales That Came Full Circle

Over 500 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of 11 Sitcom Finales That Came Full Circle
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Vote up the sitcom finales that called back to the early seasons in a surprising and satisfying way.

Finales are a tricky thing to get right, specifically sitcom finales that are tasked with wrapping up seven or more seasons of whacky adventures, as in the case of Seinfeld or The Office. Through the use of foreshadowing, many of these finales were able to come full circle and close off their stories in a satisfying way. Sitcom foreshadowing can range from a random one-off joke in the first season to deliberately interconnected storylines that were set up in the very beginning, giving us a satisfying close to a long and worthwhile journey.

These 11 sitcoms managed to cap off their stories with full circle finales by reminding us why we fell in love with the show in the first place. 

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