Which Nerd Favorite Has The Most Annoying Fans?

Over 4.9K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Most Annoying Nerd Fan Bases
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Vote up the nerdy properties (TV shows, films, video games, comic publishers, and the like) that have the all-around most annoying fanbases.
Latest additions: old Mcu Movies, Outlander, The 100
Most divisive: Supernatural

When it comes to their favorite franchises, geeks mean business.

The shows, films, comics, and video games on this list inspired incredibly dedicated fans, whose unparalleled enthusiasm led to numerous spin-offs and reboots, and countless flamewars. These fandoms are rife with ship wars, pretentious hierarchies, aggressive idolization of actors, or stubborn arguments about the "best" generation. These intense fandoms have the potential to keep otherwise levelheaded enthusiasts from enjoying these series, and may even scare off new fans who were just looking for something fresh in their Netflix queue.

While these nerd favorites are near and dear to many hearts and boast the longest lines Comic-con has ever seen, it’s best to tread their fandoms lightly, or risk losing not only your interest, but your temper.

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