The Funniest TV Shows Of All Time
Photo: The Simpsons / Fox

The Funniest TV Shows Of All Time



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Over 35.3K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Funniest TV Shows Of All Time
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Vote up the most hilarious sitcoms, sketch shows, or other programs in television history
Latest additions: Jon Glaser Loves Gear, Neon, Cooper Barrett's Guide to Surviving Life
Most divisive: Saturday Night Live

The funniest TV shows ever range from some of the best TV shows of recent memory to some of the best TV shows of all time. These hilarious television shows and series are the ones that make you accidentally snort your soda up your nose, spill your TV dinner, and fall off your chair from laughing. Some of these funny TV shows are so good, they'll have you chuckling at just the memory of a joke, even years down the line.

From the timeless antics of I Love Lucy's Ethel and Lucy to the foul-mouthed hi-jinks of the kids from South Park to the moral depravity of the Bluth family on Arrested Development, these funny television series make the living room (or bedroom, plane, car, office,'s the digital age, we get it) a funnier place to be. Many of these amusing TV shows are still on the air (The Simpsons, Big Bang Theory), others have gone to TV heaven (Cheers, 30 Rock), and more still have been resurrected from the digital grave (Family Guy, Futurama). 

What are the funniest series on TV?  Funniest of the decade? What is the funniest TV show ever? This list of the funniest TV shows ever looks to crown one TV show the funniest television show ever. It doesn't matter if the show is old or new - these are the top TV comedies of all time. Vote for your favorite TV show and see where your funny favorites rank. Remember that they aren't necessarily all comedy tv shows - a show can be funny and not necessarily a "comedy" per se. But let's face it - most of the funniest tv shows are also the best comedies of all time.

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