The Best Mindless TV Shows To Have On In The Background

Over 1.5K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Mindless TV Shows To Have On In The Background
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When it comes to TV shows that are perfect to leave on as background noise while doing other things, everyone has their favorite. Maybe it’s a show you’ve already seen several times through, a series with nice background music, or a reality competition you’re not particularly invested in. There’s one thing that the best background TV shows have in common, though: they provide mindless entertainment. You can watch while folding laundry, working from home, checking Instagram, or trying to fall asleep. Plus, if you focus on something else for a while and your mind wanders, you won’t really end up missing too much of the action.

We’re not talking greatest shows of all time here. With some shows, you have to be actively engaged throughout to make sure that you don’t miss any tiny detail that might prove crucial later on. Think Lost, Game of Thrones, Fringe, The Wire. Meanwhile, there are other shows that are just so bad that you can’t even stomach the idea of half-watching. You know - where you roll your eyes and ask yourself why they haven’t been canceled yet. The best shows to watch while doing anything else but watching, however, are somewhere in the middle. You don’t have to be too involved, but you still enjoy their novelty. What're your top picks?

Latest additions: Lethal Weapon, American Dad!, The Ranch