Fans Are Pointing Out Details That Completely Change How They See Their Favorite Childhood Shows

Voting Rules
Vote up the details you never noticed as a kid.

Feeling nostalgic about the shows you dug growing up? Well, buckle up, dear reader, as the good people of Reddit and Tumblr have delved into the weeds on a variety of family and cartoon shows from the '80s, '90s and '00s to uncover just what they were all about. This list comprises little elements (like characters who arbitrarily go missing in the middle of the show's run due to other actors getting raises) and bigger thematic thoughts (what if Home Improvement is more self-aware than we give it credit for in recalling it?).

Which TV show details most surprised you? Which do you think are most worthy of retrospective reappraisals? Vote now and let the world know.

  • Danny Tanner Would Have Been A Teen Father In 'Full House'
    Photo: ABC

    From Redditor u/EmuLover:

    So I see that Danny had his 30th birthday in season 1. And DJ was 11 when the show started. So Danny was a teenager when she was born?

    1,396 votes
  • When Re-Watching 'The Simpsons' As An Adult, The Adults Become More Relatable
    Photo: Fox/Disney

    From Redditor u/KingWhoBoreTheSword:

    I probably relate better to Homer than I did when I was a kid. I now understand the pain of having a job because people depend on me but if I was only supporting myself I could probably find a job I liked doing (like Homer working in that bowling alley).

    810 votes
  • Judy Winslow Just Disappeared For Good In The Middle Of 'Family Matters'
    Photo: ABC

    From Redditor u/UnBoxingJon:

    TIL The Winslows from Family Matters had a second daughter named Judy that went upstairs in Season Four and was never heard from or acknowledged again.

    971 votes
  • Frank Jr. And Alice's Relationship On 'Friends' Is Pretty Messed Up
    Photo: NBC

    From Redditor u/jikkijikku:

    I don't know if this has been discussed before but when I went looking I couldn't find anyone else that was as... creeped out by the relationship I guess. Didn't Frank and Alice start dating while he was her student? Why didn't any of the friends have more of a reaction to this like? I know they weren't exactly approving but the teacher-sleeping-with-student thing didn't really seem to matter much. Idk it just gives me the heebie jeebies.

    873 votes
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    889 VOTES

    Danny Was Too Overprotective On 'Full House'

    Danny Was Too Overprotective On 'Full House'
    Photo: ABC

    From Redditor u/digital-media-boss:

    Danny often took the “overprotective dad” bit wayyyyy too far. Like completely overreacting every time DJ interacted with a guy she liked. I understand being protective, but pulling your 16 year-old-daughter off her boyfriend over an innocent hug is too much. DJ had her moments where she got into trouble, but overall she was a pretty well behaved kid and Danny treated her like a delinquent sometimes.

    889 votes
  • 6
    568 VOTES

    'Family Matters' Went Totally Off-Brand In Its Final Season

    'Family Matters' Went Totally Off-Brand In Its Final Season
    Photo: ABC/CBS

    From Redditor u/:

    Does anyone remember the bizarro final season of Family Matters? I used to watch Family Matters when I was a kid even though it was terrible but for some reason I watched it. I remember I drifted away from watching it and forgot all about it after a few years but I remember one day while I was still in high school I was flipping channels and saw that Family Matters was still on but it was totally different. Some new lady was playing the mom, Urkel was ENGAGED to Laura? They were happy and kissing all the time now? The aunt is gone and Eddie is a cop now. And he gets shot in the episode! Also Urkel goes to space?

    568 votes