Graveyard Shift Readers Are Sharing The Character Death Scenes That Were The Hardest To Watch

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Vote up the scenes that are the most difficult to sit through.

Losing someone you love can lead to indescribable sadness and shake the very foundation of your being. When a person close to you dies, grief becomes a constant companion - there's no escape from the daily reminders of what life was like when they were still around. Even though it hurts, that heartbreak is a testament to the depth of connection you shared.

Often times, watching a death scene in a movie can be incredibly difficult. The loss of a fictional character can feel real and might even remind us of times we've lost loved ones in real life.

Graveyard Shift readers are talking about the character death scenes that were the hardest to watch, and the comments got super emotional. Which of these moments were also difficult for you to sit through?

Comments have been edited for length and clarity.

  • Glenn In 'The Walking Dead'
    Photo: AMC

    From Facebook commenter Wes C:

    Glenn from The Walking Dead. That was harsh and unexpected. Then to do it [in] front of Maggie. It was just a hard scene to watch.

    225 votes
  • From Facebook commenter Deborah F:

    This sounds silly, but King Kong gets me every time.

    From Facebook commenter Randy T:

    Last movie I watched with my mom and she cried. I remember thinking what a beautiful heart she had.

    From Facebook commenter Tyrita W:

    And this is why I only watched it once. My heart can't take it. ๐Ÿ˜”

    From Facebook commenter Kevin C:

    Yes! He didn't do anything wrong!! He just wanted to go home.

    220 votes
  • From Facebook commenter Brandon Peace S:

    After watching The Mist, I was depressed for a week. Ending scene was painful, especially when that dude was screaming after killing his son. I was hurt. ๐Ÿ’”

    From Facebook commenter Teri W:

    Way better than the non-ending Uncle Steve [Stephen King] gave it.

    From Facebook commenter Kama E:

    Yes! I hate that movie for that reason.

    From Facebook commenter Diane Eager W:

    I always stop the movie before that part. ๐Ÿฅบ

    143 votes
  • From Facebook commenter Carissa W:

    Shelby's service in the original Steel Magnolias. Sally Field's emotionsโ€ฆ Wow.

    150 votes
  • From Facebook commenter Teri W:

    There was no death scene, but Skip in My Dog Skip. Little guy passed of old age but just imagine watching your Jack Russell's favorite movie with him as he sits there aging all on his own at 14.

    We watched that movie so many times together. Gone several years now, but he's still my display picture. RIP Skip and Murphy.

    123 votes
  • From Facebook commenter Bonnie T:

    Joyce Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Episode: โ€œThe Body.โ€

    Unadorned, stark, and surreal. It was almost traumatic to watch their issues.

    From Facebook commenter Daniel W:

    Buffy saying, โ€œMomโ€ฆ Mommy?โ€ got me big time!

    135 votes